Saturday, July 17, 2010

engineer vs doctor....

Salam kepada semua...

lame gile dh x update blog neyh...
sekali lg berjaya update...haha
skrg nie dh hari ke-6 ak kt utp...[ lame gile ]
meeting + planing + presentation + tgk wayang...
[ tgk wayang pon nk gtau ] ^_^
penat2, smpai x ckup tido ouh...kawan2 ak y laen pon same jek
terlalu byk keje nie smpai makan pon bukan on time...
nie sume gara2 kawan2 ak y suro tgu nk makan skali...hak3
tp kawan punye pasal tgu jek la kan...
[ ta ad idea dh ]...

okey, sbnrnye tu juz pembukaan jek...
ak nk gtau kt korg sume nie ap kebaikan jd engineer compare to doctor...


ad sorg kawan ak nie akan jd doktor....ak dh gtau die awal2 dh wakaka...
respon die pon ta seberapa nk baik kot...c(=
ni antara sebab2 die ouh...

1. We are ‘cool’er than MD students

2. We are not classified as nerds

3. We build the future, doctors fix the present.

4. We do projects(during study time), but if we fail to complete the assignment, no one dies.
But,for doctors, they fail, people die.

5. We dont have to cut other people’s chest.

6. We deal with compressors, pumps and cool stuffs. Doctors deal with boring humans.

7. Mechanical engineers deal with grease. Doctors deal with blood. Which one smells better?

8. We will never wear stupid white coats.

nie just gurauan semata2...kpd bakal2 doktor jgn la marah yee...
[ peace + cuak ]
kpd bakal2 engineer dan doktor berusaha la yee...!!!!