Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why Girls Should Marry an Engineer

Why you should marry an Engineer Let me tell you why girls should eventually marry an engineer over a Law, Management, Arts or Medical School Graduate. He has three distinct advantages over the rest of the graduates.

Advantage 1: Secure lifestyle

An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a high income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and get married and buy a house too.

Law graduates are still working as a lowly apprentice in law firm.

Most management graduates have just failed on their first business plan.

The arts graduate is still looking for a job.

And the medical school graduate is still living in a hospital.

Advantage 2: Unmatchable industriousness

An engineer boyfriend will dedicate an unimaginable amount of his time and effort to understand you. Engineers strain really really hard to understand their work. You can believe that they will try really really hard to understand women too, just like how they understand their work, once they believe that you are the one. So even if they don't understand you initially, they will keep on trying. Even if they still do not understand, they will figure out the correct method to keep you happy (e.g. buy diamond ring = 1 week's worth of happiness.) And once they find out the secret formula, they will just keep on repeating it so that the desired results appear.

Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with you.

The Management graduate who will try to control your spending, The Arts graduate who will 'change major'.

And the medical school graduate who will operate on you.

And you know what, it's really so easy to make engineer s believe that You are the 'one'. Say that you like one of their project and they will be hooked to you forever.

Advantage 3: An engineer boyfriend will never betray your trust.

Let me first tell you what is wrong with the rest of the others - The lawyers will lie about everything.

Management graduates will cheat your money.

The arts graduate will flirt, and you probably just look like another cadaver to the medical school graduate.

Your engineer boyfriend is either too busy to have an affair, and even if he does, he is too dumb to lie to you about that. Hence, an engineer is the most secure boyfriend that you will ever find - rich enough, will keep on trying to understand and please you, has no time for affairs, and too dumb to lie to you. plus they r cooler than the others 

(Just joking.. don't sue me ok..hahaha)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Engineer is the c0olest person..!!

any argue..??

Saturday, July 17, 2010

engineer vs doctor....

Salam kepada semua...

lame gile dh x update blog neyh...
sekali lg berjaya update...haha
skrg nie dh hari ke-6 ak kt utp...[ lame gile ]
meeting + planing + presentation + tgk wayang...
[ tgk wayang pon nk gtau ] ^_^
penat2, smpai x ckup tido ouh...kawan2 ak y laen pon same jek
terlalu byk keje nie smpai makan pon bukan on time...
nie sume gara2 kawan2 ak y suro tgu nk makan skali...hak3
tp kawan punye pasal tgu jek la kan...
[ ta ad idea dh ]...

okey, sbnrnye tu juz pembukaan jek...
ak nk gtau kt korg sume nie ap kebaikan jd engineer compare to doctor...


ad sorg kawan ak nie akan jd doktor....ak dh gtau die awal2 dh wakaka...
respon die pon ta seberapa nk baik kot...c(=
ni antara sebab2 die ouh...

1. We are ‘cool’er than MD students

2. We are not classified as nerds

3. We build the future, doctors fix the present.

4. We do projects(during study time), but if we fail to complete the assignment, no one dies.
But,for doctors, they fail, people die.

5. We dont have to cut other people’s chest.

6. We deal with compressors, pumps and cool stuffs. Doctors deal with boring humans.

7. Mechanical engineers deal with grease. Doctors deal with blood. Which one smells better?

8. We will never wear stupid white coats.

nie just gurauan semata2...kpd bakal2 doktor jgn la marah yee...
[ peace + cuak ]
kpd bakal2 engineer dan doktor berusaha la yee...!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

hi BLOG...


dh lame ak x bukak blog nie...
baru jek nk update y baru...sian kau blog
arini ak nk cite ap y ak nk cite...
menyedari hakikat ak kne lpas pointer ntok dapatkn scholar,ak kne la blaja rajin2kn
tp masalahnye bile dh blaja x dapat2 gak ea...
apasal eh...??
pastu ak teringat ad sorg kawan ak ckp kt ak...

"Hafiy, dalam hidup nie kau jage 3 bnd nie :
-hubungan kau dgn Allah
-hubungan kau dgn Ibu dan Ayah
-hubungan ngan kawan2
selagi kau jage 3 bnd nie mst kau boleh"

ak pon ter pikir..btol gak eh pe y die ckp tu...
lpas ak tgk2 balik cmne hidup ak nie,baru ak sedar di mane silap nye..
kalau subuh pon lambat, cmne nk dapat berkat kn...
ak mula sedari semua bnd y sering berlaku kt sekeliling kite nie..
so,kesimpulannya sntiase igt akan prkara2 y laen n bukan dri kita sahaja...
thanx gak kt kawan ak y bg nasihat nie ea...

"A person who forget the da past will condemmed to repeat it"
-george santayana-

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hari nie macam bes jek....

Hari nie mmg bes gak ah dalam idup ak...

pg ak bgon td tros2 jek semangat nk g kelas...x pena kot rase hepi
then smpai kt kelas plak lecture muka die berseri2 kot..(calculus)
then,lecture fizik bg announcement y kelas akan tuka kt tmpat laen...hepi la lg ak sbb tmpt sblum nie panas gile2....hahaha
pastu tym nk makan lgh hari ad la plak org blanje ak...waaaaaa(credit to my friend)
pastu x pena plak ak tido tym ptg2....hahaha
pastu lg la trkejut tibe2 ad kawan ak dr CAIRO nk tepon plak....wah,sgt la teruja + terharu...lama kot x dgr suare die....haha....dh la dr jauh
pastu mlm plak ak kua g kdai mamak minum jap ad org blanje....serius ak hepi gile


"let we decide our own future"
-abraham lincoln-

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tak nk jadi burung hantu...!!!

Kesian kt diri ak skrg nie...

kenapa la kau slalu sgt tido lewat...bole jd ta sehat nant weh
ak pon x tau kenapa la bole tdo lewat...
contoh mcm skarang nie ah..benci btol laa
nk tdo awal x bole nk lelap...sakit hati
pastu ad plak membe y tgk muvee tgh2 pagi buta...dh ak terpengaruh
tp papepon ak kne la berubah gak...
susah gile nk tdo awal nie rupenye...
roomate ak pon da terkene sindrom nie gak...
sian la plak kt die...maybe sala ak gak kot...
adoiii....sakit kepala
papepon y pnting kelas x pena miss lg...jiyeahh..!!
harap2 lpas nie bole la ak tido awal..
x nk jd burung hantu..!!!

Burung Hantu = Lapar

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kesian sahabatku...

"Igbal, tolong ak kt bahagian bawah..!!"

Nie la ayat y member ak sebut tiap2 mlm....
kesian plak kat die ak rase...haih2
die dh trpengaruh ngan game y agak famous ntok bdk2 kt universiti nie...


takot gak ak ngan pengaruh game nie...
mintak2 la x dipengaruhi....
dh la die tdo lewat selalu, g kelas pon agak lewat...adoii
nk bg nasehat..??
susah2, kalau dh addict sgt...
lbey2 lg bile die dh masuk sem 3 nie...
kelas pon xde byk sgt...
ak berharap la die x maen sgt game tu...
sume bnd x terurus nant....

"untuk kawanku, tolongla hentikan ye"


Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Journey Begins....

"telefon, telefon berbunyi..telefon, kami dtg"
(alarm bunyi wonderpets)

Aku terjaga dr tidur utk memulakan prjalananku sbg plajar sem baru...haha
mule2 malas kot nk g kelas...
tp sbb roomate ak dgn semangat ajak ak pegi so ak pegi ah...
smpai kt LR7,x ramai sgt y dtg lagi..(bangge dtg awal)
subjek calculus ntok pagi nie...
lecture tu name die Haji Dr. Yunus...(bole tahan die aja td, buleh ah paham)
kami blaja limit ntok function y sem 1 patot dh jd mmg sengal gak ah x pro lg
naseb baek la dh faham balik...
lpas jek abis kelas, ak tros countdown ntok kelas ptg(x suke kelas ptg)
dh la pukul 2 smpai 4 ptg...
tp nk buat cmne, kne la ikhlaskan hati bila nk tuntut ilmu nie...
akan ku usaha ntok sem3 nie mncapai target pointer ak(4.00)

"we learn from mistake, mistake is what we learn from"
resistance is futile

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kemalasan + kepenatan = tidoran

malam nie ak sgt penat....
tp sempat gak ak nk tulis blog nie...
ak lepak ngan membe2 ak di sebuah kdai name die ANDALUS...
mmg puas hati gak ah even mahal..
esok ak nk balik utp dh then jumpe la diorg jap...
naseb baek la diorg nk blanje,kalau x mmg kering la ak..
scholar x masuk lg duet ntok bulan nie...haish
mmg la lg penat ak rase mengorek bank ak...
tp y pnting dapat jumpe kawan2...
sumpah bes gile...

Friends is more valuable then Mazda rx-8

Friday, January 22, 2010

freaking my neck...

"Ikan di laut, asam di darat
dalam periuk, bikin muafakat"

nk dekat 4 jam ak dgr bnd nie brbunyi2...
dh la ulang ayat tu je...
ak pon naek hairan dr mane dtg bunyi tu...

Jam menunjukkan pukul 2.14 pagi,ak x bole nk tdo waktu ni....
tbe2 ak dgr la lagu tu dinyanyikan...
suara die sebijik mcm suara pompuan...
ak igt ad la org saje nk nyanyi...
then,die brterusan smpai pkul 6.10...
ak mmg peliok gile ah tym uh...
cuak pon ad gak sbb sape je y nk nyanyi tgh pagi buta....
ak x pikir pjg sgt lpas masuk je subuh tros solat...
then tdo smpai la tgh hari..hahaha

Thursday, January 21, 2010

2nd day of blogging

still tgh figure cmne nk bg blog nie best...
tp x tau ah sbb baru brjinak2 kn...
ad kawan ak nie baek tolong ak...
bg mcm2 link kt ak...
ak tgk pon da pening skit..
tp ak akan usaha ah wat y TERBAEK..!!

"There's nothing wrong with being a crow"
-crow zero 2-

Chaiyok hafiy..!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Start my own blog....


pertama kali buat blog dalam sejarah hidupku....
sangat la penat dan gembira kot...

5 sebab buat bnd nie :

1. Try nk isi masa lapang ngan benda2 mcm ala2 diari nie.
2. Ramai kawan aku y dh ad blog then terpengaruh.
3. Menceburi dunia penulisan.
4. Boleh follow blog kawan2 y dh ade.
5. Ade sorg kawan y buley dikatakn baek gak ah y menyebabkan ak buat blog nie.
(tp bagos gak ah)

last but not least, try to improve myself and uderstand what is going around us...
So,hope u all can enjoy it okey....
welcome to my world...